Cristina's life is thrown into turmoil when she is suddenly escorted from her strict Catholic school in Buenos Aires and told that she is really Sofía Lombardi, the daughter of activists who disappeared in the '70s. Questioning everything she once thought true, Cristina embarks on a journey to find her true identity. Meeting others like herself, the young girl soon discovers the real-life horrors of Argentina's relatively recent past and the nightmare that claimed tens of thousands of lives during the country's "dirty war."
三个时间段(叙事内容/设定时间/制片(上映)时间)在青少年视角里展开剧情内不断震荡,记忆回响屡番激起,兼具和共有纪实/虚构一些优势,看似cliché说故事方式收效不差,觉得比albertina carri的los rubios效果好(这里涉及到真伪相片,最直接触发desaparecidos二代情感媒介),让susana campos饰演代表一代母亲有足够分量
Watch Online:👇👇👇https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=Df22c2aZjFA