驱魔录像带的剧情介绍,凱特請來紀錄片劇組實錄她被附身的過程,包括不信邪的心理醫生哈徹,但在看到凱特進行的怪誕儀式後他們深受震撼。並也在不知情的情況下被監視紀錄器給錄下了所有過程… <br /> 紀錄片導演準備將凱特隔離並做後續測試,但凱特心中的惡魔卻不是這樣打算的,他準備大開殺戒,一個活口都沒有留下…
A string of murders ended in the capture of an 18 yo boy named Jesse, who the media dubbed "The Butcher". He was found guilty, and executed by lethal injection. Fast forward 3yrs, the boy's mom, Kate, hires a documentary film crew to prove that Jesse was not an insane murderer, but rather was possessed by a demon who made him commit the murders. For the first time on TV, Kate will have the crew record her as she's possessed by a demon. In order to prove Jesse's innocence, Kate will find "Proof of the Devil".