◎导演◎ Paco Plaza
◎编剧◎ Luis Berdejo/Paco Plaza
◎主演◎ 拉蒂西亚·多瑞拉 Leticia Dolera / Diego Martín / Àlex Monner / Ana Isabel Velásquez / Mireia Ros / Ismael Martínez
死亡录像3:创世纪的剧情介绍,在一个阳光明媚的日子里,美丽的克拉拉(拉蒂西亚·多瑞拉 Leticia Dolera 饰)即将和英俊帅气的爱人科多(迪雅戈·马丁 Diego Martín 饰)步入婚礼殿堂。双方亲朋相聚在一起,载歌载舞,好不欢畅。然而正当婚礼晚宴进行到高潮之时,一个中年男子突然从楼上跌落,当他爬起身时,其形容大变,面目狰狞,随即狂躁地啃咬身边的人。现场有如炸锅一般,所有人的都四散而逃,而不知为何变成丧尸的人们追咬着每一个生者,丧尸的队伍越来越大,科多与克拉拉也在混乱中失散。 <br /> 教堂已然变成地狱,有如最后的审判日,人们身不由己……
The action now takes place miles away from the original location and partly in broad daylight, giving the film an entirely fresh yet disturbing new reality. The infection has left the building. In a clever twist that draws together the plots of the first two movies, this third part of the saga also works as a decoder to uncover information hidden in the first two films and leaves the door open for the final installment, the future '[REC] 4 Apocalypse.'
【剧透慎入】【你好,美人】编剧快去见你妈妈最后一面。还真没办法骂一个小丑不正经。远远不如前两部!。从此再无REC,但是我仍要继续追每一部rec。【严重剧透】丧尸+恐怖片感想+REC 3 吐槽。血与纱狂想曲。还有比死更重要的事。一句话评论。逗比男女主。[REC]³Génesis(死亡录像3:创世纪)。