年度推销员的剧情介绍,哈尔普瑞特(兰碧 卡普尔 Ranbir Kapoor 饰)以B等成绩勉强大学毕业,家境一般的他没有听从朋友的建议去考工商管理硕士,而是去应聘做销售人员。幸运的是他机缘巧合的获得了为你服务公司老总的赏识进入电脑销售行业,满心欢喜原本大展拳脚的哈尔普瑞特却在一开始就犯了致命的错误,正直的性格让他与索要回扣的客户起了冲突,老板罚他不准再涉及公司业务,同事们也为此排斥他。渐渐的他发现单一的指标数字和销售行业的潜规则让他感到厌倦,于是他决定开始创业,在其他伙伴的合作下,各自发挥所长,并凭着诚信的服务和售后建立起了火箭电脑销售公司。
Harpreet Singh Bedi (Ranbir Kapoor) has just graduated, and his marks are, well, let's say a little embarrassing. But marks never stopped him from dreaming of an exciting and adventurous career, and they never will. 'Rocket Singh - Salesman of the Year' is the sometimes thoughtless, sometimes thoughtful story of a fresh graduate trying to find a balance between the maddening demands of the 'professional' way, and the way of his heart - and stumbling upon a crazy way which turned his world upside down, and his career right side up. Welcome to the world of sales, boss!
关于本片的叙事结构——印度神话叙事。温暖的儿戏。阿三威武!。在创新面前,一切都显得脆弱。。。。原本就很土的城市生活。朴实的叙事,永远的道理。年度推销员观后感。现实生活中需要这样的理想信念。it depends。生意=人。