◎导演◎ Don Siegel
◎编剧◎ Albert Maltz
◎主演◎ Clint Eastwood / Shirley MacLaine / Manuel Fábregas
烈女镖客的剧情介绍,莎拉(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰)是一名修女,正在孤身一人独自前往美国西部的旅途之中。途中,莎拉不幸遇到了三名劫匪企图对她不利,在性命攸关的紧急时刻,牛仔霍根(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)现身将莎拉解救于水火之中。 <br /> 惊魂未定的莎拉决定雇佣霍根当自己的保镖护送自己抵达目的地,但相对的,她必须向霍根出卖法国军队驻地的内部情报,这正是霍根一直想要得到的消息。刚开始互相看不顺眼的两人,在漫长而又孤独的旅途中渐渐靠近,让霍根百思不得其解的是,莎拉身为一名修女,却完全没有神职人员的自觉,她喝酒、抽烟、讲脏话,百无禁忌,这种表里不一的神秘逐渐转变成为了一股强大的吸引力。
Set in Mexico, a nun called Sara is rescued from three cowboys by Hogan, who is on his way to do some reconnaissance, for a future mission to capture a French fort. The French are chasing Sara, but not for the reasons she tells Hogan, so he decides to help her in return for information about the fort defences. Inevitably the two become good friends but Sara has a secret..
[Last Film I Watched] Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970) 6.3/10。