幽灵船的剧情介绍,在家族遊艇上,莎曼沙每夜都過著痛不欲生的日子,警報器的信息成為悚然的夢魘,邪惡的力量控制她不斷自殘,陷入黑暗深淵而無法逃脫。遺失的記憶和心理壓力讓她懷疑謀殺案的兇手是…自己? <br /> 到底在駭人的謀殺案背後隱藏的又是什麼不可告人的家庭醜聞? 莎曼沙是否能擺脫蟄伏在暗處的邪曲力量…?
Trapped aboard the family yacht, Samantha lives out her personal Hell, night after night, answering to the cruel and painful demands of the ship's alarm system. Taking a journey into the depths of depravity, she wakes each morning to the disfiguring scars left by the previous night's horror and searches for the answer to a missing memory: 'Could I have killed my family... Or did Hell get it wrong?'
我竟然用腾讯会员陪看完了一部山寨烂片……。这个片,我给五星。ghost boat。