包法利夫人的剧情介绍,故事发生在风景如画的法国乡村,在那里,医生查勒斯(休·博内威利 Hugh Bonneville 饰)遇见了名为艾玛(弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Frances O'Connor 饰)的美丽少女,爱情火花被点燃,没过多久,情投意合的两人幸福的步入了婚姻的殿堂。随着时间的推移,婚后的平淡生活逐渐成为了压在艾玛肩头的负重,就在她极度渴望激情之时,一位名为雷翁(休·丹西 Hugh Dancy 饰)的英俊男子出现在了艾玛的生命中。 <br /> 雷翁的到来为艾玛带来了希望,而他的离开亦给予了她沉重的打击,就在心灰意冷之时,富商鲁道夫(格雷·怀斯 Greg Wise 饰)带领艾玛步入了上流社会,被眼前华丽景象所震慑的艾玛逐渐迷失在了纸醉金迷之中。
A young woman in her late teens, a reader of novels and with high hopes of romance and passion, marries a widowed country doctor. Although he dotes on her, she is soon bored and discontent. First, she gives her imagination to a law student in town, and next she takes a lover. When he refuses to run away with her, she takes up again with the law clerk. Her spending on dresses and furnishings mounts; these debts and her ill-advised professional counsel to her husband bring his ruin.
包法利夫人和安娜卡列尼娜。谁是包法利。只是凡间一枝花。现代女生 比较有智慧了。每个人心中都有一个包法利夫人。Madame Bovary (2000)。谁不是包法利。有空一定要拜读一下福楼拜的原著。法国人就是擅长描写爱情,英国人会拍电影。
Madame Bovary DVD1