女孩睡着了的剧情介绍,女孩葛莉达刚与家人搬到新城市,换了新学校,开始交新朋友。但这一切并不容易,周围突然冒出的挑战往往让她手足无措,笨拙别扭。十五岁生日的到来意味著她即将告别童年,迎向未知新阶段,就在她抗拒又困惑之际,屋后一座神秘鬼魅的森林却向她招手,引她进入奇幻的成长旅程。 伴随着初萌的少女情欲与生活中的暴力成分,《女孩睡着了》以女主角葛莉达清新风趣的视角,带着观众一起在酸甜的少女情怀中找到成人世界已遗忘的纯真可能。
The world is closing in on Greta Driscoll. On the cusp of turning fifteen she can't bear to leave her childhood, it contains all the things that give her comfort in this incomprehensible new world. She floats in a bubble of loserdom with her only friend Elliott, until her parents throw her a surprise 15th birthday party and she's flung into a parallel place; a world that's weirdly erotic, a little bit violent and thoroughly ludicrous - only there can she find herself. Based on the critically acclaimed production by Windmill Theatre, GIRL ASLEEP is a journey into the absurd, scary and beautiful heart of the teenage mind.
Girl Asleep 2015 720p WEBRip 600 MB - iExTV
这是一场强跳跃性大脑洞的小清新喜剧片 很喜欢!讲的是迷失少女走出孤独的心路历程 所有的人包括反派双胞胎和大姐大都极度可爱!尤其喜欢煮了中国菜就穿着旗袍吃饭的妈妈!那些浮夸的舞蹈诡异的树林人物道具还有各式各样小萌小趣的小细节对白 如果不是睡着之后进入树林那段有点乱 这可以是十佳青春片!
两个主角很有爱,实在太喜欢 Elliott 的台词了。“I think about them way too much. Like, six or seven times a day. ”
That's so awesome Hey!