微笑警察的剧情介绍,北海道警署高层在警员收受贿赂一案中,涉嫌侵吞调查费,为了更为彻底取得证据,政府成立“百条委员会”以便直接传唤警署的证人。与此同时,名叫水村朝美(乙黒えり 饰)的女警员被人杀害,与之曾有过男女关系并且将再次日前往百条委员会作证的警员津久井卓(宮迫博之 饰)拥有重大嫌疑。高层一反常态下达射杀令,津久井危在旦夕。与此同时,被从水村一案剔出的佐伯宏一(大森南朋 饰)和搭档小岛百合(松雪泰子 饰)、新宫昌树(忍成修吾 饰)等人倍感蹊跷,他们聚首在警员的禁忌之地黑鸟酒吧,决定彻底查清真相,将津久井安全送往委员会…… <br /> 本片根据佐佐木让的警察小说《うたう警官》改编,由角川书店老板角川春树亲自掌镜。
Jo Sasaki's 2007 novel is the first in the so-called "The Hokkaido Trilogy" and was inspired by corruption in the police force governing Japan's northern island. Set in the capital, Sapporo, the pic begins with the discovery of a strangled policewoman's body in an apartment used by the force's big brass. Senior officials keep the investigation under wraps and, in short order, the dead cop's ex-lover, Sgt. Suguru Tsukui (Hiroyuki Miyasako) - due to give damning evidence in a corruption hearing in 18 hours' time - is declared the perp. Police are ordered to shoot him on sight. Disturbed by the hasty manner in which his squad was pushed off the case, Tsukui's former police partner, smooth saxophonist Sgt. Koichi Saeki (Nao Omori), summons his team to discuss an alternative plan to the sanctioned witch hunt.