When the son of a wealthy man is kidnapped, the parents are called and told not to involve the police. The mother wants some kind of assurance that they will get their son back, so the family lawyer tells them of a man who specializes in bringing back kidnap victims. He comes and he's not exactly people friendly but will do whatever he has to to bring their son back. The boy's bodyguard, who is shot and placed in a hospital, is found by his brother-in-law, an FBI agent, who is thereby told about the boy's kidnapping. He goes to the family and, knowing the specialist they've hired, tries working together to bring the boy back, but they learn that there's a lot more going on.
Timothy Hutton和Dana Delaney在这部惊险刺激的剧集中扮演一对有钱有势的纽约夫妇。他们十几岁的儿子遭人绑架。随着当地执法部门、美国联邦调查局以及私人谈判团对此案的全面介入,似乎男孩能因此被立刻解救出来。但是随着剧情的步步展开,这个貌似光鲜完美的家庭背后所隐藏的秘密也开始浮出水面。 Knapp,前美国联邦调查局探员,因调查一个绑架案的失败而过早的结束了这个职业。从此以后他发誓不会让任何儿童绑架案得逞。于是他开始一心调查绑架案,然而他的这种行为却不被联邦调查局的人所理解,他也因此而被迫放慢脚步。然而始终被失踪的儿童所困扰,Knapp改变了以往非传统方式的信息提取和犯罪因素与策略的研究,而开始独自搜寻失踪儿童。凭借对罪犯及周围街道的熟知,他在独自调查行动中屡次化险为夷。 Latimer King是一个有着30年丰富经验的联...
s1 5eps(2006)。Cut