喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天的剧情介绍,又是新的一年,灰太狼(张琳 配音)喜上加喜,和老婆红太狼(赵娜 配音)得了宝贝儿子小灰灰(梁颖 配音)。为了给至今未开羊荤的小灰灰打打牙祭,灰太狼再次踏上了前往羊村的征程。此时羊村正在举行百年庆典,但是村长慢羊羊的坐骑蜗牛突然出现异样,经验丰富的村长(高全胜 配音)马上意识到100年前的瘟疫将再次席卷青青草原。为了拯救羊村、替村长排忧解难,喜羊羊(祖丽晴 配音)他们利用缩小药水进入蜗牛的体内,而灰太狼也尾随而入。谁知他们却分别遭遇了白牛军和黑牛军,一场新的冒险由此展开…… <br /> 本片为动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的首部电影版,并荣获2009第五届美猴奖最佳动画配音奖、中国电影华表奖最佳动画片奖、2009第六届金龙奖最佳动画长片奖等多个奖项。
Inside Granny Snail there is a biological war between two bacterial kingdoms, the Black Ox and the White Ox. In order to save their friend, Pleasant Goat and his friends shrink themselves and enter the body of Granny Snail. Accidentally, they are enlisted to join the White Ox army to fight against the Black Ox army, which to their surprise is led by their enemy Grey Wolf. At the same time, the Cattle Kingdom is working on a plan to attack its two rivals. The goats must use their wits and bravery to stop the chaos and save the microcosm.
不怕过度,只怕单一。嫁人要嫁灰太狼 做人要做懒羊羊。无关于情节,但依旧是满满的爱!。请赐福每日所需之萌。《喜羊羊和灰太狼》的“票房奇迹”没有偶然。当灰太狼遇上喜羊羊。国产国民级剧场版动画诞生记- -。国产动画的崛起。《喜羊羊与灰太狼》前传之灰太狼自述。也许我们都曾是孩子。