David Kepesh is growing old. He's a professor of literature, a student of American hedonism, and an amateur musician and photographer. When he finds a student attractive, Consuela, a 24-year-old Cuban, he sets out to seduce her. Along the way, he swims in deeper feelings, maybe he's drowning. She presses him to sort out what he wants from her, and a relationship develops. They talk of traveling. He confides in his friend, George, a poet long-married, who advises David to grow up and grow old. She invites him to meet her family. His own son, from a long-ended marriage, confronts him. Is the elegy for lost relationships, lost possibilities, beauty and time passing, or failure of nerve?
爱,原来可以是真的。当时间遭遇激情。挽歌与臀线。所有的美丽都是人对自己的怀疑。可读/可写之爱情。那千古不变的痛苦正是我们得以懂得珍惜的源泉。世上最真诚的玩笑,往往貌似玩世不恭。。Elegy---我爱你,和你失去乳房的身体无关。yuki 与 子夜闲读 谈「挽歌」。时光终将带走一切,我们只能轻轻唱起挽歌。