冰上奇迹的剧情介绍,1979年,陷入越战和冷战的美国,没有在科技大发展时代得到重生,反而滑向了信心危机的困局,“美国精神”发生了动摇。赫伯·布鲁克斯(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)是带领明尼苏达大学冰球队夺得三连冠的功勋教练,在冬季奥运开赛的半年前,赫伯受命组建并训练新一届美国冰球队。当时苏联冰球队在国际上占据绝对统治地位,六十年代以来连续夺得奥运金牌。在赫伯组队伊始,他就把苏联作为最终对手看待。赫伯从各大学召来优秀冰球选手组成了一支26人的初选队,在严酷的训练中,这些非职业队员们形成了一个真正有战斗力的团体。奥运揭幕前三天,美苏两国冰球队进行了一场热身性质的比赛,美国队虽然落败,但赫伯和他的队员们都清楚,真正的较量在奥运会上…… <br /> 本片根据1980年盐湖城冬奥会上的真实故事改编。
The inspiring story of the team that transcended its sport and united a nation with a new feeling of hope. Based on the true story of one of the greatest moments in sports history, the tale captures a time and place where differences could be settled by games and a cold war could be put on ice. In 1980, the United States Ice Hockey team's coach, Herb Brooks, took a ragtag squad of college kids up against the legendary juggernaut from the Soviet Union at the Olympic Games. Despite the long odds, Team USA carried the pride of a nation yearning from a distraction from world events. With the world watching the team rose to the occasion, prompting broadcaster Al Michaels' now famous question, to the millions viewing at home: Do you believe in miracles? Yes!
当冰刀划过冰面溅起雾花。About Ice hockey。冰上奇迹。不为别的,只为荣誉。运动训练管理的佳片。励志电影。一群男孩成长的故事。反向低配的《绝杀慕尼黑》。即便熟悉套路,依然热爱竞技精神。一个如何带领一支没有垃圾队伍取得好成绩的电影。