Compelling character study, revolving around Jack Flowers (Ben Gazzara), an American hustler trying to make his fortune in 1970s Singapore in small time pimping. He dreams of building a fortune by running a brothel himself and returning to the States to lead a life of luxury. Savvy but not unsavory he strikes up a friendship with William Leigh (Denholm Elliot), a genial and decent auditor who travels to Singapore every year. Ultimately, the background of the Vietnam War comes into the picture as Jack is offered the opportunity by the CIA to run a brothel for the R&R activities of U.S. soldiers on leave in Singapore.
After a three-year absence following the release of Nickelodeon, Bogdanovich returned with this dark tale of an American expatriate pimp, based on a novel by Paul Theroux and shot entirely on location in Singapore. Ben Gazzara is simply mesmerizing as Jack Flowers, the perennial operator determined to set up a business of his own gradually realizing that his territory and way o...
@ Utopia Bordeaux
2022TIFF/謝謝台北電影節 挖到大寶藏🥺買了兩次票,打算在亞馬遜買DVD收藏。太太太喜歡了,台詞和敘事的鏡頭真的恰到好處!好萊塢裡難得的認真的敘述故事的導演。適合開著暖色落地燈窩在撲滿雜亂的毯子和衣服的柔軟沙發上喝著威士忌看。要是有隻貓就完美了