硅谷 第四季的剧情介绍,HBO已续订《硅谷》第四季。
In the wake of Pied Piper's clickfarm scandal, the guys struggle to find funding for Pied Piper's video-chat app to keep up with their rapidly growing user base. Erlich faces resistance from Big Head's dad, while Gavin balks after Jack steps on his toes at Hooli. Having a hard time adjusting to his company's pivot, Richard gets sage advice from an unexpected source, leading him to a big idea that could change his future.
从《硅谷》第四季片头看硅谷科技巨头的厮杀和演变史。《硅谷》S04E01:从前有个人想搞新型互联网,后来他死了。S4E09:我听到了Jared心碎的声音。《硅谷》S04E03:确实有个华人,靠吃的成功创业。一部无可争议的杰作。讲了两件事。《硅谷》S04E02:孩子的钱最好赚?巨头们正撸起袖子加油干。Why God is always in Richard's favor。S04E10:扎心了。我不入地狱谁入地狱。
等了一个小时,没出中文字幕,还是看完了……Jared 对Richard 的爱 超过任何异性之间的爱
第四季水准依旧,没有jump the shark真是太好了。期待新因特网的诞生。。。