天使的赠礼的剧情介绍,在和未婚夫订婚之后,一心想要成为一名家庭主妇的久留美(观月亚理莎 饰)就辞去了工作,哪知道,未婚夫突然变脸,卷走了两人共同的存款不知去向,就这样,在35岁这一年,久留美成为了一个没有房子也没有工作的穷光蛋。 <br /> 无处可去的久留美只得在公园里徘徊,一次偶然中,她意外的发现了自己所烹饪的食物里所包含的巨大魅力,这令久留美找到了人生新的方向。时间静静的流淌着,久留美凭借自己的双手成为了一名家庭宴会主办人,就在她的生活越来越好之时,一个名叫康太的初中生出现在了久留美的面前,这个男孩不是别人,正是曾经抛弃过久留美的未婚夫的儿子。
Arisa Mizuki plays a 35-year-old woman named Kurumi, who suddenly loses everything in her life when her fiance runs off with all of her assets. Left with a mere 15,000 yen and some boxes of ohagi (a type of rice ball), the despairing Kurumi happens upon a construction site, and she begins handing out the ohagi to the men working there. Using the theme of food, "Tenshi no Wakemae" depicts Kurumi's journey as she turns her life around.