红色星球的剧情介绍,时间进入2050年,现代文明的发展和人口数量的激增反而令地球不堪重负,原本美丽的星球已经不再适合人类居住。 <br /> 为了寻找新的生存之地,科学家们将目光所定在与地球环境最为相似的火星。在过去的几十年里,他们不断向火星发射无人飞船,试图运用现代科技来改善火星上相对恶劣的居住环境。然而当一切初见成果之时,火星上的机器却突然出现故障,移民火星的计划被迫停滞。地球的状况愈来愈让人担忧,为了尽快排除故障,由凯特·鲍曼(凯瑞-安·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss 饰)、罗比·加莱尔(方·基默 Val Kilmer 饰)等顶尖科研人员组成的探险队奉命前往人类从未涉足的红色星球。他们的旅程从一开始便注定充满磨难,队员们不仅要面对恶劣的外星环境,他们的友情和信任也承受着巨大的考验……
In the near future, Earth is dying. A new colony on Mars could be humanity's only hope. A team of American astronauts, each a specialist in a different field, is making the first manned expedition to the red planet and must struggle to overcome the differences in their personalities, backgrounds and ideologies for the overall good of the mission. When their equipment suffers life-threatening damage and the crew must depend on one another for survival on the hostile surface of Mars, their doubts, fears and questions about God, man's destiny and the nature of the universe become defining elements in their fates. In this alien environment they must come face to face with their most human selves.
逃跑火星。red planet。看这部电影的评论,证明了我已久的一个认识:豆瓣是装B的伪文艺青年的乐园。情节不错,很有吸引力,也足够惊悚和悬疑,吊人胃口。正在克服困难的人们是最美的。但还是思念地球。。科幻片不是文艺片。现在科学家们正准备从火星上带岩石回来。Fuck this planet。
为什么要跟MISSION TO MARS比?没有可比性,无论是情节还是画面还是音乐还是演员,还是寓意。