During Holy Week at the end of the eighteenth century, a count visits his Havana sugar mill on a day a slave has run away. The count tells his cruel overseer, Don Manuel, to pick 12 slaves who will be guests at the count's table. Don Manuel objects, but to no avail. The twelfth guest is the recaptured runaway. During the dinner, using religious analogies, the count lectures his guests on the perfect happiness possible in slavery. They in turn tell stories and make requests. He promises no work on Good Friday, but he leaves early that morning and Don Manuel rousts the slaves for a long day cutting cane. They rebel. Which side will the count take?
La Ultima Cena (Tomas Gutierrez Alea, 1976).avi
奴隶与奴隶主的关系(泛指)真是永恒的话题。在这部电影里,奴隶主又通过基督晚餐这一含有精神和物质双重诱惑的虚妄来调和(麻痹)了,后来酒醒了就要灭口。父亲卖儿子的故事;有自由却无处去,把痛苦视为上帝旨意才是完美幸福?真理身谎言头body of Truth under the head of Lie。暴动,十字架,火种
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摄影比较粗糙 但是表演很到位 对古巴的民族问题探讨的很深入 一开始比较闷 但是结尾很震撼 另外对圣经的影射很有趣