奇迹,那天如此重要的剧情介绍,仁(松坂桃李 饰)和秀(菅田将晖 饰)出生于医生世家,他们的父亲是一位德高望重的医生,希望两个儿子长大后能够继承自己的事业。然而,叛逆桀骜的仁却并没有那份医者的仁心,热爱音乐的他组建了一支乐队,并且在演出中被音乐经纪人相中,他决定正式出道成为一名歌手。 <br /> 仁的决定让他和父亲之间爆发出了激烈的争吵,最终,仁决绝的离开了家。在哥哥和父亲的关系降到冰点的那段日子里,温柔的秀正在艰苦的进行着备考,成绩不算优异的他最终选择了牙科大学作为奋斗的目标。仁的音乐道路走得十分不顺利,各种利益的冲突让他和队友们之间亦产生了隔阂。而顺利考入了大学的秀,在某日拿起哥哥的吉他之后忽然发现了音乐带给他的抚慰和力量。
Against the protestation of his strict father, Jin leaves home to pursue his dream of becoming a musician. Meanwhile, his little brother Hide accepts his father's wishes and aims to become a dentist. But none of them can escape the attraction of music. When Jin's music career hits a snag, he discovers that it is his brother, Hide, and his fellow dental students who exhibit a great natural talent for music, and he pins his hopes on them. But Hide wants to become a dentist...and still sing while fear of his draconian father looms large. So they strike out on a bold plan? To make their CD debut without ever showing their faces to the public.
真实存在着的GReeeeN乐队,以及片名的日语解析。“我是要当牙医的”。キセキーあの日のソビトー 選択。做喜欢的事情和做合适的事情,其实一样难吧。奇迹,那天如此重要。热爱可抵岁月漫长。#有啥好看#这部松坂桃李和菅田将晖主演的电影,为什么那么感人?。漫谈。路上有GReeeeN陪伴。被感动!!。