冒顿的剧情介绍,公元前220年前后,中国北方草原自西而东分别居住着月氏、匈奴、东胡等部族。匈奴大单于为了废长立幼,举兵攻打月氏,欲借月氏之手杀掉在月氏当人质的冒顿。 <br /> 但是,冒顿在汉人姑娘啾啾的帮助下逃回到父亲身边,他装疯卖傻,蛊惑族人,羽翅丰满后,他亲手杀死了自己的父亲,称为匈奴王。 <br /> 强大的东胡逼迫冒顿交出国宝千里马,冒顿委屈地答应了。东胡大人得寸进尺又要霸占冒顿的阏氏(妻子),匈奴众大臣无不义愤填膺,但冒顿却说:“怎能为了一个女人而与强大的东胡作对呢?” <br /> 得到美丽阏氏的东胡大人放松了对冒顿的警惕,当他再次派信使索要匈奴的土地时,冒顿拍案而起:“土地是国家根本,怎能随便送人?!”冒顿带领志在必得的匈奴打败东胡,将东胡大人的脑袋做成了自己的尿壶。 <br /> 公元前206年,汉高祖元年,冒顿征服东胡,安抚民众归依匈奴。 <br /> 若干年后 冒顿统一了中国北方整个草原。
The story of Modu Chanyu, the founder of the Xiongnu Empire. Sent off as a hostage to a neighboring kingdom as a child his father wants him dead so dispatches an army to attack that kingdom with the hope that they will kill Modu so that his youngest son, by another mother, will succeed him. Modu escapes with the help of a young girl, JiuJiu, and the story of the founding of a unified Mongolian empire begins.