草原大作战的剧情介绍,大灰(JB·布兰科 JB Blanc 配音)是一只狼,英俊自负,梦想当上狼群的统领。老吉是大灰的强劲对手,与大灰竞争狼王的位置,他们决定比武一决胜负。就在比武的前夜,大灰不小心中了魔法,变身成一只羊。他不得不离开狼群,与羊群居住在一起。老吉趁老狼王不备,将其推下山崖夺得狼王之位。 <br /> 一只小羊偷跑到北方草场被狼群捉住,大灰将其救出。这个行为激怒了老吉,他决定袭击羊群。得知狼群要袭击羊群的时候,大灰决定领导羊群与狼群抗争。在建设防线的时候,大灰被发现与狼群有瓜葛,失去了大家对他的信任。他不得不独自离开羊群,在路上他的到一个接触魔法变回狼的机会,但是同时得知狼群马上就要袭击羊群,他放弃变回狼的机会,毅然回到羊群,带领羊群战胜了狼群。两个族群最后达成了和平协议。
In a magical faraway land, in a picturesque little village nestled among green meadows and rolling hills, lives a flock of carefree sheep. But their pastoral and stress-free life is interrupted when a pack of wolves sets up camp in the nearby ravine. In accordance with ancient traditions, the retiring pack leader Magra announces that his future successor must prove his right to lead by vanquishing his rivals. When the powerful and blood-thirsty Ragear steps forward, the only wolf brave enough to challenge him is Grey, the pack's favorite, but a hopeless goof ball. To become a leader and win back Bianca's love, Grey goes off into the woods, where he discovers a camp of Gypsy rabbits. The fortune-teller rabbit Mami gives him a magical "transmutation potion." Grey drinks the potion and goes back to the wolves' den, but finds out upon arrival that he has been transformed into... a ram!
It is full of stereotypes and is not suitable for children.。
It is full of stereotypes and is not suitable for children.