无境之兽的剧情介绍,广袤的非洲土地,奇珍异兽自由奔跑,然而贫穷饥饿、硝烟战火同时充斥着在这片黑土地的每一个角落。某国停站区内,黑人少年阿古(Abraham Attah 饰)调皮搞怪,和世界上其他和平国度的孩子没什么两样。只不过他所拥有的安宁脆弱不堪,政府军和反政府武装的协议一旦撕破,随之而来的便是呼啸而至的子弹与杀戮。阿古在小小的年纪和母亲生离死别,更眼睁睁目睹父兄被杀害的残忍一幕。他夺路狂奔,在密林中被一支由许多少年兵组成的游击队收留。 <br /> 游击队长(伊德里斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 饰)巧舌如簧,他如仁慈的父亲一般鼓动着不谙世事的少年们拿起武器,享受同类相残的快感。少年过早长大,过早衰老……
Follows the journey of a young boy, Agu, who is forced to join a group of soldiers in a fictional West African country. While Agu fears his commander and many of the men around him, his fledgling childhood has been brutally shattered by the war raging through his country, and he is at first torn between conflicting revulsion and fascination Depicts the mechanics of war and does not shy away from explicit, visceral detail, and paints a complex, difficult picture of Agu as a child soldier.
《无境之兽》:炼狱的生存模式。非洲之殇——美国电影《无境之兽》与非洲童兵。愿未来的世界不再有枪声。这部片子很形象地教导了我们怎么建立一支军队。《无境之兽》中印象深刻的场景、男孩的独白。男孩,拿起枪,就不是男孩了。《无境之兽》与《疯狗强尼》都是反映非洲童子军的电影。Beasts of No Nation。非洲童子军的故事。《无境之兽》:如何伪装而成一个孩子?。