最后一个男人 第二季的剧情介绍,FOX#续订#了季中新喜剧#最后一个男人#第二季。
Reverting back to being Phil, he and Carol have been travelling for six months in his R.V. and, briefly a bomber plane, visiting Carol's childhood home amongst other stops. Carol wants to return to Tucson but Phil is not keen. However, after he has accidentally left her behind at a gas station he assumes she is bound to go there. and reluctantly makes his way back to the survivors' house, only to find it empty.
[The last man]:说下从哪里看不下去了吧。只看到第二季前4集就忍不住过来吐槽。一个男人撑起一部剧。人人都是白人菲尔,而现实中的陶德才最令人恶心到家!还有那两个脑残女!。看到第4集,忍不住吐槽。更温馨的第二季。论精神垃圾如何变成娱乐,傻逼的诞生,不吐不快,我是来骂的。