Basia has already settled down in her life. She is a housewife and has a loving family. It seems as though she does not miss anything to be happy. Until a moment when an opera diva moves into an apartment upstairs. Basia is enchanted and seduced with her voice. A peculiar relationship is born between them. It develops into a feeling which is not particularly comfortable for either of the two women.
Basia has already settled down in her life. She is a housewife and has a loving family. It seems as though she does not miss anything to be happy. Until a moment when an opera diva moves into an apartment upstairs. Basia is enchanted and seduced with her voice. A peculiar relationship is born between them. It develops into a feeling which is not particularly comfortable for eit...
虽然只有30分钟 虽然字幕翻译很差 情绪的累积却一点不敷衍和突兀 也一点不影响理解 富有侵略性的贝拉让女主好奇进而沉迷 只是咏叹调的跳跃性就像冲天而起的气球 不会为某个谁个某样框架所束缚 爱情也是如此 一夜狂欢和一场歌剧是贝拉留下的 一场无疾而终的同性之爱 过后依然像滑雪场般洁白