怪奇物语 第二季的剧情介绍,《怪奇物语》第 2 季:故事发生在 1984 年,印第安纳州霍金斯镇的居民们还没有从恐怖的魔王和秘密的霍金斯实验室中缓过劲来。威尔·拜尔斯已从颠倒世界中被救了出来,但是一个更庞大、更邪恶的怪物仍威胁着那些活下来的人们。
Near Halloween, Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will find that Dustin's score in an Arcade game has been beaten by someone with the nickname MadMax. They believe the newcomer in school Maxine is the player. Hopper investigates what has happened to pumpkins that have been poisoned and the owner blames his neighbor. Will has visions from the Upside Down and he goes with Joyce and Hopper to a clinic for medical examination.
不要丢掉原来的闪光点(附访谈彩蛋)。关于《怪奇物语》第二季的80个彩蛋!。花了一个周末,把每一集精彩台词做了出来。(持续更新)。万圣节前前夜漫想——从多个逆世界到“Say it!”‖+以后剧情的瞎编。关于will的感情走向:Will Byers is gay!。关于第二季的种种感情线。第二季中那些你没注意到的细节致敬和彩蛋。鼻血天团封印地下城病毒。一季9小时,互动5分钟!!编剧你听见来自Mike和El亲妈粉的怒吼了吗!!!。《怪奇物语》之青年篇:学会尊重,学会责任。