加速世界的剧情介绍,现代社会之中,校园欺凌事件屡禁不止,成为学校和社会的难题。身材肥胖个性内向的有田春雪(梶裕贵 配音)便是长期欺凌的受害者。性格懦弱的春雪无法反抗欺凌者,唯有躲在网络之后,靠玩躲避球游戏来发泄愤怒。一来二去之间,春雪竟然成为了校园内躲避球游戏得分第一位。 <br /> 有着“黑雪公主”之称的学生会副会长黑雪姬(三泽纱千香 配音)出现在了春日的面前,黑雪姬不仅制止了对于春雪的欺凌,更邀请他进入了名为“Brain Buster”的方程式,在其中,春日化身成为拥有千倍思考速度的超频连线者,被卷入了激烈的战斗之中。黑雪姬召集春日等人的目的只有一个,那就是重组昔日“黑之王”的军团。
Haruyuki is an overweight kid and at the bottom of the food chain at his middle school. Within the sci-fi setting of the real world he often seeks refuge in a virtual one. One day however his life changes when he is given an opportunity by the prettiest girl in the school no less, to integrate the two by means of a program called accelerated world. There is a catch however, in order to keep this add-on he must score points by fighting others within the realm of this new virtual world.
男主不是屎。逆袭只是给男生准备的。男主真的不是屎。恭喜你获得了成就“专业卖队友”!。白白浪费了一个好设定。听我的 都听我的 12集前停了吧。我喜欢认真考究技术细节的科幻作品。没有一劳永逸的事。另类眼光看动画之加速猪和剪刀狗。半夜吐槽。
[F-D] Accel World [480P][Dual-Audio]