佐知与真由的剧情介绍,五岁时候遭到母亲(富田靖子 饰)抛弃,孤苦伶仃的中山佐知(门胁麦 饰)在儿童养护机构长大,渡过了漫长的十五年岁月。20岁的她面庞满是倦怠与沧桑,青春烂漫的时节却在一家超市内打工。夜深人静之际,心中的落寞如同黑夜一般寒冷而漫长。某天,佐知遇到了离家出走的真由(广濑爱丽丝 饰)。真由是店里的常客,此时因某种原因而跑出家门,最终得到佐知的收留。又过了许多天,佐知从叔叔(本田大辅 饰)那里得知母亲的消息,之后更因为真由将男性带回公寓而心情发生动摇。在她眼里,轻浮的真由和母亲当年的身影相重合了,童年悲伤不堪的记忆再度浮现……
Nakayama Sachi was abandoned by her mother Yumi when she was 5 years old and grew up at an orphanage. Now that she has turned 20, she works a part-time job late night at a supermarket which opens 24 hours. Besides that, drawing pictures is her only emotional refuge. One day, Sachi is accosted by one of the supermarket's regular customers, Mayu, a 17-year-old girl who has runaway from home. On the first day of their meeting, Mayu comes to live at Sachi's apartment, and like a stray cat, she ends up staying. Mayu is cheerful but there is something fragile about her, and Sachi cannot thrust her away. A couple of days later, Sachi hears from her uncle, Nakayama Naoyuki, that he has found her mother. Sachi has not met her mother ever since she was abandoned 15 years ago. When she returns to her apartment in a state of agitation, she discovers that Mayu has taken a man in. Mayu's form mirrors her mother's and brings back Sachi's memories of her childhood. She throws Mayu out in anger. However, Mayu comes back shortly. Sachi soon learns about her grave secret, which spurs a reunion with her mother. Sachi and Mayu - two lonely hearts slowly start to draw close to each other.