家的港湾 第一季的剧情介绍,该剧是澳大利亚plus7出品的古典剧,该剧故事背景为1953年二战刚刚结束后不久,战争的余烬依然给人们带来灼痛,优雅神秘的护士Sarah Adams在得知哥哥离世的消息后决定返回故乡照料沉浸在悲痛中的母亲。 <br /> 在返乡的轮船上结识了上流社会的 Bligh家族,因其独特的魅力获得了 George Bligh(家族负责人)的倾慕并无意中阻止了Bligh家族继承人自杀的行为从而接触到了这一家一些不为人知的秘密。 <br /> 因为信仰上的矛盾,Sarah并没有被母亲的接受,在走投无路的境地下Sarah决定接受了George Bligh所提供的医院工作岗位,但Bligh家族的老夫人却对Sarah之前船上的“无礼”以及她所窥探到的秘密耿耿于怀....
1953. After 20 years living in Europe, Sarah Adams returns to Australia. While working as a nurse on the ocean voyage home, Sarah meets the influential and wealthy Bligh family and discovers a scandalous family secret. In Sydney, Sarah finds her estranged mother still unwilling to forgive her perceived "sin" of converting to Judaism. With no other prospects, Sarah takes up George Bligh's offer of a job in the Inverness hospital, much to the disapproval of George's overbearing mother, Elizabeth.
A.Place.To.Call.Home.S01E01.The Prodigal Daughter.720p.BluRay.x264.Sub(Eng)-Victorians