传奇的剧情介绍,Tom Hardy一人分饰两角出演伦敦黑帮史上最叱咤风云的克雷兄弟,雷金纳德(Reginald Kray)和罗纳德(Ronald Kray)。他们统治了上世纪五六十年代整个伦敦的东区,从持械抢劫到暴力袭击,从收保护费到走私军火,谋杀,可以说是无恶不作。黑白两道通吃的他们在商界、政界、娱乐界都广受欢迎。兄弟中的弟弟自称是双性恋,与许多政客有染……警方在1968年将两兄弟捉拿归案,最终判处终身监禁,结束了他们罪恶的黄金时代……
The true story of London's most notorious gangsters, twins Reggie and Ronnie Kray. As the brothers rise through the criminal underworld, Ronnie advances the family business with violence and intimidation while Reggie struggles to go legitimate for local girl Frances Shea. In and out of prison, Ronnie's unpredictable tendencies and the slow disintegration of Reggie's marriage threaten to bring the brothers' empire tumbling to the ground.