黑白森林的剧情介绍,同是警察的黄姜(黄秋生)和七喜(刘青云)情同手足,然而两人行事上却有天壤之别,黄姜刚正不阿,七喜却与黑帮老大盲超(吴镇宇)是结拜兄弟,某次行动中,黄姜迫于无奈将七喜连同盲超击毙,事后也没解释原因,令七喜老婆对其生出误会。 <br /> 十多年后,七喜的儿子(黄浩然)与盲超的儿子阿威(陈小春)长大成人,并各自继承父业分别成了警察和黑帮老大。阿威一直想报父仇,可乐在不了解事情的真相前也有这样的打算,但在知晓事实后,开始为选黑还是选白犯难。
This dynamic police-crime thriller features superstars Jordan Chan and Sean Lau and offers explosive non-stop action for your video screen! Huang Jiang and Qi Xi are both very capable crime investigators. However, Huang has his heart and soul attached to truth and justice, while Qi Xi works as an informer for the triads and works as an accomplice of the crime lord Mang Chao. Huang has evidences to help him bust Mang, but Qi Xi interferes with his plans and gives Mang shelter. An ensuing roof-top shoot-out leaves Qi Xi & Mang dead and the police report states that Qi died while he was on duty. Wrongly assuming that Qi was murdered by Huang, his son swears revenge.