Henry is a young FBI agent. During a three-year absence from his home in Shreveport, his mother Marty loses more than 100 pounds, looks great, and to Henry's embarrassment, has become a party animal. Within a day of Henry's returning home with his fiancée, Emily, who's an FBI profiler, Marty meets Tommy, a suave foreigner. He's posing as a consultant, but he's an international art thief, in town to steal "Mother and Son," a Bernini sculpture. Henry is detailed to head a team keeping his mom's new boyfriend under surveillance. Love, law enforcement, and filial devotion are set to collide.
《特工的特别任务》:整个一桌杯具。别绷着脸想太多,开心就好。题外话。烂片。当厨师跳进去的时候,我差点笑喷了……。蛋疼欲裂的一部片子。虽然影星不再青春无敌,不过也是一种轻松。i say。just for fun。自古美人如名将。