◎导演◎ 陈木胜 Benny Chan
◎编剧◎ 袁锦麟 Alan Yuen/张志光 Chi-Kwong Cheung/王秋雨 Quiyu Wang/陈锦昌 Kam Cheong Chan/张炭 Cheung Tan
◎主演◎ 刘德华 Andy Lau / 谢霆锋 Nicholas Tse / 范冰冰 Bingbing Fan / 成龙 Jackie Chan / 吴京 Jacky Wu / 余少群 Shaoqun Yu / 熊欣欣 Xin Xin Xiong / 于海 Hai Yu / 释行宇 Xingyu Shi / 白冰 Bing Bai / 梁镜珂 Jingke Liang / 岛田瑠那 Runa Shimada
新少林寺的剧情介绍,20世纪20年代,时局动荡,天下大乱,华夏大地无有一片宁静之所。时群雄并起,军阀混战。军阀少帅侯杰(刘德华 饰)纵横捭阖,骄横跋扈,视平民如草芥,却难逃自身劫数。正所谓城头变换大王旗,侯杰转眼间辉煌不在,副官曹蛮(谢霆锋 饰)伺机上位、妻子颜夕(范冰冰 饰)离去、女儿身亡,种种打击令这个昔日的乱世修罗万念俱灰。落魄至少林寺期间,侯杰先后结识悟道(成龙 饰)、净能(吴京 饰)、净海(余少群 饰)、净空(释延能 饰)等僧众,并慢慢领悟了宿世的罪障因果,遂放下贪嗔痴慢疑之心,诚心向佛。与此同时,更大的磨难正向少林袭来…… <br /> 少林寺住持释永信担任该片监制。
China is plunged into strife as feuding warlords try to expand their power by warring over neighboring lands. Fuelled by his success on the battlefield, young and arrogant Hao Jie sneers at Shaolin's masters after killing a rival warlord on their temple grounds. But the glory comes before a fall. His own family is wiped out in an unexpected turn of events and Hao is forced to take refuge with the monks. As the civil unrest spreads and the people suffer, Hao and the Shaolin masters are forced to take a fiery stand against the evil warlords. They launch a daring plan of rescue and escape.