After telling Maigret she overheard a plot to kill 'the countess' club singer Arlette is strangled and soon afterwards the body of an elderly, reclusive countess is also discovered. Maigret believes a third person was present when Arlette was killed and is anxious to trace a man called Oscar, whose name Arlette cried out in her sleep. Meanwhile young rent boy Philippe, who shared the countess's drug addiction, n survives an attempt on his life but is too scared to help the police. Maigret finds out that both the dead women once lived at a Nice hotel, where the countess's husband died in odd circumstances and where Oscar also worked. This leads him to track down Oscar and to the closure of his case.
Maigret简直要超越福尔摩斯和波洛成为心目中最棒的侦探 Rowan完完全全演绎了一个充满正义感的好男人 福尔摩斯破案热衷于刺激 波洛热衷于盛名 而Maigret只为了正义 他会因为在餐桌上看案卷向妻子道歉 然后灵光一闪找到线索冲出门去 这是一个用一颗悲悯之心怜惜弱者的好人 正直 木讷 但充满大爱
2018.01.06 风格还是保持一贯,但是剧情有点单薄。