帕丁顿熊2的剧情介绍,露西婶婶(伊梅尔达·斯汤顿 Imelda Staunton 配音)的生日即将到来,帕丁顿(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)决定送婶婶一份会让她终生难忘的礼物。最终,帕丁顿选中了一本立体绘本,然而这绘本是世间仅此一份的珍贵宝物,为了存钱购买绘本,帕丁顿决定开始工作,在遭遇了一连串的失败后,帕丁顿终于找到了适合他的工作——清洁玻璃窗。 <br /> 就在帕丁顿的存款即将达标之际,绘本竟然被一名神出鬼没的小偷给偷走了,同时出现在案发现场的帕丁顿被当做嫌疑犯捉拿归案,并最终被关进了监狱。在监狱里,帕丁顿凭借着自己的爱与勇气改变了墙内死气沉沉的氛围,监狱外,布朗一家人亦从来没有放弃过替帕丁顿洗清冤屈的机会。
Paddington is happily settled with the Brown family in Windsor Gardens, where he has become a popular member of the community, spreading joy and marmalade wherever he goes. While searching for the perfect present for his beloved Aunt Lucy's 100th birthday, Paddington spots a unique pop-up book in Mr. Gruber's antique shop, and embarks upon a series of odd jobs to buy it. But when the book is stolen, it's up to Paddington and the Browns to unmask the thief.