When American military analyst, Daniel Ellsberg, realizes to his disgust the depths of the US government's deceptions about the futility of the Vietnam War, he takes action by copying top-secret documents that would become the Pentagon Papers. Later, Washington Post owner, Kay Graham, is still adjusting to taking over her late husband's business when editor Ben Bradlee discovers the New York Times has scooped them with an explosive expose on those papers. Determined to compete, Post reporters find Ellsberg himself and a complete copy of those papers. However, the Post's plans to publish their findings are put in jeopardy with a Federal restraining order that could get them all indicted for Contempt. Now, Kay Graham must decide whether to back down for the safety of her paper or publish and fight for the Freedom of the Press. In doing so, Graham and her staff join a fight that would have America's democratic ideals in the balance.
电影背后的真实故事更精彩(麦克纳马拉、五角大楼文件、艾尔斯伯格、时报/邮报、司法部)。有人在寻找汤兰兰,有人却在捍卫媒体人的良知。被一群事业有成的男人团团围住,这感觉真是糟透了。《华盛顿邮报》:这是一场我们未曾开始就已经输掉的自由之战。“五角大楼文件”泄密案亲历者如何回忆这段历史?。某些国内媒体,这部电影就是来打你们脸的。《华盛顿邮报》中对新闻自由进行了哪些探讨?。被挡在门外的女性 ——《华盛顿邮报》。把矛头指向有冕之王时,才有资格自称无冕之王。《华盛顿邮报》背后的真实历史究竟是怎样的?。