Quirky inter-related stories. Standing by two tablets, Jeff promises to introduce ten short stories, each about one of the commandments. A man survives a fall from a plane and his fiancée marries someone else before falling in love with a marionette; a surgeon causes the death of a patient and in prison tries to choose his mate; a woman encounters Jesus in Mexico and later confronts her husband on the Sabbath; twins and their mother reflect on fatherhood; covetous neighbors miss a chance to be heroes; and, between each story, Jeff's love triangle with Gretchen and Liz plays out. In the end, all the characters join in singing that it's all about love.
其实还不错,像寓言一样。癫着,狂着,癫狂着。。新十诫:人的困境。a insane movie。太无厘头了。后得不得了。荒诞,无聊,却又引人入胜。The ten。荒诞喜剧,比较搞笑。误打误撞的精彩。