闪电侠 第四季的剧情介绍,CW续订《闪电侠》第四季。
With Barry in the speed force, Iris, Kid Flash, Joe and Vibe have taken over protecting Central City. However, when a powerful armored villain threatens to level the city if The Flash doesn't appear, Cisco makes a risky decision to break Barry out of the speed force. However, the Barry that comes out isn't the same Barry that went in.
[Flash]:一部彻底被套路化流水线的剧集。[Flash-S4E10]:关于巴里证明清白法律漏洞。[S4E4]美漫角色科普:伸缩人+中心城。这是一部给出的评论略差就可能会有生命危险的剧。Flash man 4 ——一切都源于你太笨。脑补的四星。看到20集实在忍不住了,忍不住来吐槽一下。决定惹,以后四剧还是只追绿箭吧。闪电侠S04:我知道你一直是个好人。马上就结束了,写个影评祭奠下。