俄罗斯玩偶的剧情介绍,电影为《西班牙公寓》的续集。 <br /> 时隔五年,塞维尔(罗曼·杜里斯 Romain Duris 饰)已然完成了学业,成为了一名专职作家,放弃一切追逐梦想的勇气值得敬佩,但生活并不会因此而一帆风顺,在可见的未来中,依旧有着许多无解的难题等待着塞维尔。 <br /> 在和玛蒂娜(奥黛丽·塔图 Audrey Tautou 饰)分手后,塞维尔名正言顺的过上了四处猎艳的自由生活,而前者则选择了为人妻母,这让塞维尔的心里多多少少有些不是滋味。为了生计,塞维尔不得不接受一些毫无乐趣的工作,而并不丰富的人生阅历也让他在写作上遭遇了瓶颈。为了解决这个棘手的问题,塞维尔决定好好的回顾一下自己的人生,他来到了位于俄罗斯的圣彼得堡,在哪里,一段新的生活等待着他。
Xavier is now thirty. No longer a student, he is not yet a well-balanced, fulfilled adult either. His career is unsatisfying: Far from being the renowned novelist he aimed to be he must be content with little jobs such as reporter or ghost writer. His greatest "achievement" in "literature" is his collaboration to the script of a corny TV soap! His sentimental life is not much better, rhythmed by one night stands and unfinished romances. It looks as if when he seduces a woman beautiful outside and inside such as Kassia or Wendy he can't keep them. Will he ever bring his life into focus?
perfect imperfection。活在当下。不。完美。。女主角之一自杀。爱情的美和结局,不一定有关。Klapisch et Duris, la meilleure paire。当我们长大。5年,无念。俄羅斯娃娃。我们的青春我们做主的人的最好可能的结局。