Wayne and Eileen Hayes live the American Dream. Together they've raised two children and struggled to build a successful business from the ground up. But there have been sacrifices along the way. When Wayne is kidnapped by an ordinary man, Arnold Mack, and held for ransom in a remote forest, the couple's world is turned inside out. Eileen finds her home full of FBI agents, their life under scrutiny. While Wayne is engaged in the negotiation of his lifetime, Eileen works frantically with the FBI to secure his release. The terrifying ordeal causes Wayne and Eileen to reassess their marriage and come to a deeper sense of their commitment to each other. With each passing hour, the need and desire for Wayne to return home safely becomes ever more urgent.
我爱他 可她崇拜他
流水账,毫无意义的电影...Bob接这片子真是和Jason Sinai一个毛病了- -....【算是知道为毛TCYK这么吸引他了
海伦∙米勒真是老戏骨 如此美丽优雅 当警察告诉她丈夫还在和情人私会时 当她去找那个情人 发现丈夫还金屋藏娇时是 悲愤地说:I'd be better you fucking in the hotel! 那个眼神 点题的句子是:我爱他 她崇拜他