飞侠小白龙的剧情介绍,明朝,贵族学校才貌双全的女子黑凤(张柏芝)最大心愿是嫁给皇子成为皇妃,凭容貌及一流弹奏技艺,她赢得二皇子(安志杰)的倾心。某日,人称“一地鸡毛”的杀手盲侠(吴镇宇)欲行刺校长,但被清洁大婶发现,她本是名闻江湖的大侠“白龙”。两人大占数十回合,“白龙”不敌“一地鸡毛”受重伤,被黑凤救下。 <br /> “白侠”自知所剩时辰不多,不由分说将毕生所学传给黑凤,黑凤受到巨大冲击体内起异变,面部长出细小带白的脓疮,消解办法惟有行善积德。为了能以最完美面貌嫁给二皇子,黑凤开始身穿白衣面蒙黑布在城内内劫富济贫,渐渐被人以“飞侠小白龙”敬称。得知二皇子是“一地鸡毛”新的刺杀目标时,黑凤以“小白龙”身份向他提出挑战,却意外受伤,令黑凤意外的是,“一地鸡毛”并没将她杀死反贴心照料起。两人渐渐互生情愫。
In this swordfighting comedy, a young noblewoman falls in love with a prince of the Imperial House. By accident, she acquires the martial arts skills of the White Dragon. New in her power, she learns that there are definite advantages in performing "good deeds" as the Little White Dragon. When she discovers that the famed assassin, Chicken Feathers, is planning to kill her beloved prince, she seeks to prevent this by killing the assassin first. After more than one unsuccessful attempt, she begins to grow in her compassion and understanding for the blind assassin. The real plot behind the assassination attempts on the prince is uncovered because of her decisions.