Dallas 1985. Electrician and sometimes rodeo bull rider Ron Woodroof lives hard, which includes heavy smoking, drinking, drug use (primarily cocaine) and casual sex. He is racist and homophobic. While in the hospital on a work related injury, the doctors discover and inform him that he is HIV+, and that he will most-likely die within thirty days. Ron is initially in angry denial that he would have a disease that only "faggots" have, but upon quick reflection comes to the realization that the diagnosis is probably true. He begins to read whatever research is available about the disease, which at this time seems to be most effectively treated by the drug AZT. AZT, however, is only in the clinical trials stage within the US. Incredulous that he, as a dying man, cannot pay for any drug which may save or at least prolong his life, he goes searching for it by whatever means possible. It eventually leads him to Mexico and a "Dr." Vass, an American physician whose license was revoked in the US because of his AIDS related work against US regulations. Dr. Vass leads Ron to a cocktail of other drugs, some vitamins, he believes are more effective in treating the symptoms, since the virus, as Ron learns, will always be in the system of those who have been exposed to it. Ron begins to smuggle these drugs not approved by the FDA into the US, not only for his own use but for sale to other HIV+ persons. In this venture, he goes into an unlikely partnership with a HIV+ transgender woman named Rayon, who he met in the hospital and who has greater contact with AIDS patients through the gay community. As they try to work both above ground to get the meds to those that need them and underground to avoid detection by especially the FDA, Ron comes up with an idea to circumvent the fact of selling the drugs - which are not considered drugs yet since they are not FDA approved - directly to the HIV+ population, which then should should not be against the law. Richard Barkley and Dr. Sevard, the FDA's lead man on the file and one of Ron's doctors respectively, the latter who sees clinical trials as the only way to determine the efficacy of drugs despite the fact that Ron and others would have probably died already without these drugs, try to stop Ron and Rayon at every turn. Caught in the middle is Dr. Eve Saks, another of Ron's doctors, who understands why policies are in place, but who can sympathize with Ron, Rayon and others - all her patients, directly or indirectly - in their situation.
美国民间抗争的成功案例。马修•麦康纳:40岁前征服女人,40岁后征服表演。《达拉斯买家俱乐部》:你若不抗争,活着给谁看。Jared Leto——六年离别 破茧成蝶。药企真正的攻击点,达拉斯比“药神”抓得更准确。在颠簸不堪的牛背上紧握生命的缰绳。他只是不想坐以待毙。《达拉斯买家俱乐部》电影剧本。77磅,25天,单镜头手持拍摄的震撼之作。《达拉斯买家俱乐部》:叛逆者之歌。
1986年美国达拉斯市,恐同的德州电工罗恩·伍德鲁夫(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)发现自己患上“同志病”——艾滋,生命只剩30天。他使用的AZT(叠氮胸苷)是当时美国药管局唯一批准面市的抗艾药物,但毒性极大。为了活下去,罗恩开始研究各种抗艾 处方和替代疗法,甚至走私来自世界各地未经批准的药物。在医生萨克斯(詹妮弗·加纳 Jennifer Garner 饰)和异装癖同性恋雷蒙(杰瑞德·莱托 Jared Leto 饰)的帮助下,罗恩开始成立了一个叫做“达拉斯买家俱乐部”的地下组织,为艾滋病人提供更多“非常规疗法”,很多患病的男同性恋亦求助于他。他的举动自然受到了药管局和药商的阻挠和施压。罗恩最终在1992年9月去世,离他被告知只剩30天可活已经过去了2557天。在这近7年时间里,他坚持不懈的与病魔、与药管局及制药商进行艰苦的...
马修麦康纳和杰瑞德·莱托,他们两不拿小金人真是没天理。现在打赌,2014金球奖和奥斯卡,最佳男主或最佳男配,他们至少一个,若没得奖我吃键盘,上图。立此为据!!8.6(PS:键盘君终于舒了一口气,2014-3-3。= =!)