黑帮生意的剧情介绍,Frankie,一个在伦敦南部混乱的犹太街区打拼的年轻男孩,计划逃离到犯罪海岸(西班牙东南部观光中心,吸引很多英国罪犯)开始新的生活。除了行礼箱中的一捆现金外,别无他物的他开始行程。然而让Frankie预料之外的是,当他把钱交付给超级文雅地花花公子即前罪犯 Charlie后,他的生活被永远改变,他很快成为帮派中的一员,陷入浮华和暴力的组织犯罪世界中
Frankie decides he's had enough with his life as a street thug living on a South London estate, and jets off to spain where he meets big time businessman Charlie, who's currently running the hottest bars in the land and also a South London bank robber and drug kingpin. From here on in Frankie signs up to a lifetime of crime, women and drugs and works his way from the bottom to the top of the Spanish cocaine empire with Charlie and Fellow bank robber and drug kingpin Sammy who does not give Frankie the best reception.