结婚大作战的剧情介绍,居住在曼哈顿的莉芙(凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson 饰)和艾玛(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)是一对情同手足、从小一起长大的好姐妹。童年的某天,两人在第五大道的假日大酒店目睹了一场梦幻般的婚礼,从此,在这里举行婚礼的梦想便在她们各自的心中扎下了根。转眼二十多年过去,莉芙成为一名小有成就的律师,艾玛则在一所学校任教,两人也各自收获了美满的爱情。婚期在即,两个女孩子为了婚礼奔波劳碌,并相约担任对方的伴娘。然而令她们想不到的是,两人不仅都以假日大酒店为典礼举办地,而且还请了同一个司仪,更要命的是她们的婚礼都在同一天。这就意味着将有一方做出让步。为了童年的梦想,两个好友互不相让,由此也展开一场激烈且妙趣横生的新娘大作战…… <br /> 本片荣获2009年青少年选择奖最佳喜剧片女主角奖(Anne Hathaway)。
In Manhattan, the lawyer Liv and the school teacher Emma have been best friends since their childhood. They both are proposed to by their boyfriends on the same day and they plan their wedding parties in Plaza Hotel, using the services of the famous Marion St. Claire. However, due to Marion's secretary's mistake, their weddings are scheduled for the same day. None of them agrees to change the date and they become enemies, trying to sabotage the wedding party of the rival.
如果你也有一个best friend。男人永远无法理解的。。女人间的情义。欲望都市。男人不懂 每个女孩心里都有一场华丽的期待。我所怀恋的女子,窝心...温暖而美好。忽然很想紀念:我們相愛六年。一辈子的幸福。亲爱的,我想你。两个人的磨合期。