食人族大屠杀的剧情介绍,18岁的白人少女凯瑟琳(Elvire Audray 饰)利用假期和父母到亚马逊丛林游玩,然而在靠岸的一刹那,他们的游船遭到一伙野蛮人的攻击。凯瑟琳的父母双双遇害,并被残忍阁下头颅,而她则被野蛮人们当作俘虏押回寨子,并卖给了勇猛的战士乌木凯(Will Gonzales 饰)。 <br /> 在这片原始部落中,凯瑟琳为了活命只得小心遵守当地的习俗。她经历了野蛮痛苦的破处仪式,目睹了因通奸而被残忍杀害的男女。经过一段时间交往,她渐渐接受乌木凯。在乌木凯的帮助下,凯瑟琳开始寻找杀害父母的真正凶手……
An 18 year old Catherine Miles graduates from her boarding school and takes a trip with her parents to the Amazon. While on a boat ride, her parents are brutally murdered by a local cannibal tribe and she is taken prisoner. In order to survive, she adopts the customs of the tribe with the help of a warrior who has fallen in love with her, all the while planning vengeance for her parents' death. He later helps her to escape, and now free, she goes to find who exactly was behind the death of her parents.
亚马逊。食人族大屠杀2。成功的创意,深刻的内涵。一个影评。好吧 我被骗了。