This Thriller/horror movie tells the tale of a young girl who is terrified that her insane mother will take her away from her beloved foster mother. One day, the crazed real mother attempts to contact the girl at school, but her foster mother has a premonition and gets there in time to protect the girl. Eventually though, the real mother and her boy friend, a carnival clown, succeed and takes her away, leaving the bereaved foster parents to enlist the assistance of a parapsychologist to help them interpret the foster mother's terrifying dreams and psychic connection to the girl and find her before it is too late.
奇怪一片 两妈争女儿 最后想表现两妈的母性联系?还有超自然心灵感应预知能力这些 可惜Lynch的角色没说明白 小丑扮相倒挺惊喜
吉普赛人似的神经女拐走中产阶级小女儿,影片水平差就算了还一味帮无聊的中产说话。Richard Lynch演女犯人的男友,白涂小丑,嗲!