正义守望者的剧情介绍,坎贝尔(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader 饰)曾经是一名优秀的FBI探员,可是如今,他只想尽快前往芝加哥,在那里开始风平浪静的退休生活。原来,在过去的几年里,坎贝尔一直在调查一个名叫克里芬(基努·李维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰)的连环杀人狂,此人不同于一般的变态凶手,他拥有极高的智商和情商,每一次作案,他总能够在最紧要的关头里逃出生天。 <br /> 工作上反复遭遇失败的坎贝尔选择了放弃,但克里芬显然还没有厌倦和这个老探员之间进行的猫鼠游戏,他不仅追随着坎贝尔来到了芝加哥,甚至在那里犯下了一起又一起的血腥谋杀。此时坎贝尔还不知道的是,克里芬早已经在内心里选择了坎贝尔成为他最后的猎物。
David Allen Griffin is a cool killer- time and time again, he chooses a female victim, studies her for weeks till he knows her routine to the smallest detail, makes meticulous preparations using his forensic knowledge to gain entry when she's quite alone, subdues her and administers a long, torturous death. Joel Campbell got so frustrated by his failure to capture Griffin in LA that he quit the FBI, moved to Chicago and remains in psychiatric therapy, unable to function normally. Then he realizes, when opening his mail very late, that a new murder victim is Griffin's, and the killer send him pictures of her. Campbell reports this to the police, but is unwilling to join them in the search, suggesting Griffin is too slick and clever; yet he won't get out of it that easily...
the watcher观毕——基友威武!。脑残之作。守望正义的不只是警察。正义与邪恶。还行。《正义守望者》(又名:偷窥杀手)公映。
spander兄刻画人物的功力 还是差了一点 他还是比较适合当律师