人间大浩劫的剧情介绍,罗伯特.怀斯导演的一部具有悬疑性的科幻片,描述美国一枚太空舱堕落墨西哥荒郊小镇上,导致镇民全部离奇死亡,仅剩一老一少受重伤未死。特别营救小组将他们救回实验室研究其病况,最终发现其中奥妙。 <br /> 本片制作相当认真,气氛和映象亦有部分的杰出表现。但整体来说太过沉缓,描述科学家如何研究细胞分裂的过程也太详细了。
When virtually all of the residents of Piedmont, New Mexico, are found dead after the return to Earth of a space satellite, the head of the US Air Force's Project Scoop declares an emergency. Many years prior to this incident, a group of eminent scientists led by Dr. Jeremy Stone (Arthur Hill) advocated for the construction of a secure laboratory facility that would serve as a base in the event an alien biological life form was returned to Earth from a space mission. Stone and his team - Drs. Dutton, Leavitt and Hall (David Wayne, Kate Reid, and (James Olson, respectively)- go to the facility, known as Wildfire, and try to first isolate the life form while determining why two people from Piedmont (an old wino and a six-month-old baby) survived. The scientists methodically study the alien life form unaware that it has already mutated and presents a far greater danger in the lab, which is equipped with a nuclear self-destruct device should it manage to escape.
核阴影下的冷调科幻,小说改编。中途讲解基地的细致是硬科幻特有的笨拙与认真,虽然很多梗现在看并不新鲜或已实现。对女科学家扁平定义前另一种不友好塑造。分屏+轰鸣加分,仿纪录片+黑幽台词,结尾引火自焚反问态度鲜明。 "... there's no guarantee that another so-called biological crisis won't occur again." What do ...