超胆侠 第一季的剧情介绍,《夜魔侠》是漫威首个在Netflix推出的电视剧,第一季共十三集。夜魔侠原名马修·默多克,虽然双目失明,但拥有超强的听觉和触觉,以及后天学习的格斗技术。他平时是一个律师,夜晚戴上面具后在纽约街头打击犯罪。
As a child Matt Murdock was blinded by a chemical spill in a freak accident. Instead of limiting him it gave him superhuman senses that enabled him to see the world in a unique and powerful way. Now he uses these powers to deliver justice, not only as a lawyer in his own law firm, but also as vigilante at night, stalking the streets of Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil, the man without fear.
夜魔侠,无畏之人!(含彩蛋,更新第13集)。浅谈《夜魔侠》。漫威宇宙的救星 NFLX。喜欢管自己叫恶魔的,一般都是小天使。我现在生活中那些美好的东西。这是目前为止超级英雄系列最棒的美剧。这个城市远比你想象的罪恶。第一季补完,聊聊回忆点。熬夜老司机。根植于黑暗 服务于光明。