Scott Carey and his wife Louise are sunning themselves on their cabin cruiser, the small craft adrift on a calm sea. While his wife is below deck, a low mist passes over him. Scott, lying in the sun, is sprinkled with glittery particles that quickly evaporate. Later he is accidentally sprayed with an insecticide while driving and, in the next few days, he finds that he has begun to shrink. First just a few inches, so that his clothes no longer fit, then a little more. Soon he is only three feet tall, and a national curiosity. At six inches tall he can only live in a doll's house and even that becomes impossible when his cat breaks in. Scott flees to the cellar, his wife thinks he has been eaten by the cat and the door to the cellar is closed, trapping him in the littered room where, menaced by a giant spider, he struggles to survive.
回归思考吧。五十年代的经典科幻片。FIFF14丨DAY4《不可思议的收缩人》:绝不仅仅是从“大”变“小”而已。如果我有仙女棒,变大变小变漂亮。The lines at the end。微观与宏观,小大之辩也。《谁是你的老婆?》。逆向思维造就的经典之作。弱小和无知从来都不是生存的障碍,傲慢才是。夜半子不语独家字幕。