生化寿尸的剧情介绍,无敌(陈小春 饰)和丧B(李灿森 饰)是两个无所事事的小混混,他俩平常在商场的VCD专柜打工,插科打诨,悠哉度日。某天两人奉老板之命外出取车,回来的路上撞到一个西装革履的黑帮分子。该男子身上藏有一种最新的生化武器,可以将人类变为强大无比的丧尸。两人阴差阳错将药水灌进男子的嘴里,又载着男子带回了商场。 <br /> 入夜,商场内鸦雀无声。喝下药水的黑帮分子终于变成了丧尸,四处残害无辜之人,而被他咬过的人也一一变成丧尸的同类。无敌和丧B怎样才能逃脱这些恶魔的追逐呢?
Hong Kong's answer to George Romero's Dawn Of The Dead. A soft drink tainted with bio-chemicals has the power to turn people into flesh-eating zombies. A man drinks from the bottle, and wanders into the night. As two young VCD sellers (Woody Invincible and Crazy Bee) from a local mall are returning to the mall with their bosses' car, they hit the man. Unsure of what to do, they bring the man back to the mall with them. The mall closes, and soon there are zombies everywhere! A small group of mall employees must bond together to try and fight their way out.
[www.674.net生化寿尸 Bio.Zombie.1998.WEB-DL.1080P.H264